Paul McFedries

“Information appears to stew out of me naturally, like the precious ottar of roses out of the otter.” —⁠Mark Twain

Excel Workbook For Dummies

Step-by-step instructions and exercises that walk you through the most important Excel techniques and features.

Front cover of the book Excel Workbook For Dummies

Book Info

  • Publisher: Wiley Publishing
  • Pages: 384
  • Price: US$29.99
  • Pub. date: January 12, 2022
  • Category: productivity
  • Tags: beginner, Excel, intermediate, Microsoft 365, Office 2021, Office 365, spreadsheets
  • Example files: Download this book’s example files to your device (ZIP file; 4.2 MB).

As its name suggests, Excel Workbook For Dummies is designed to give you the kind of hands-on experience with all the major aspects of the program you need to start using the program for business or home with a degree of confidence and efficiency. As you’d expect from this type of book, the workbook is primarily composed of questions and exercises that give you plenty of opportunities to experience the purpose and benefits of Excel’s many features.

It’s my hope that as a result of doing the exercises in this workbook, you’ll not only be in firm command of the basic skills necessary to work with confidence in Excel, but also have a good idea of the overall power of the program and what you can do with it.

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