Paul McFedries

“Information appears to stew out of me naturally, like the precious ottar of roses out of the otter.” —⁠Mark Twain

Formulas and Functions with Microsoft Excel 2007

Demystifying worksheet formulas and learning the most useful Excel functions in an accessible, jargon-free way.

Front cover of the book Formulas and Functions with Microsoft Excel 2007

Book Info

  • Publisher: Que Publishing
  • Pages: 522
  • Price: US$39.99
  • Pub. date: March 14, 2007
  • Category: productivity
  • Tags: analysis, beginner, Excel, intermediate, Office, Office 2007
  • Example files: Download this book’s example files to your device (ZIP file; 1.99 MB).

Welcome to the home page of Formulas and Functions with Microsoft Excel 2007! If you're a businessperson who needs to use Excel as an everyday part of your job, then you've come to the right book. Formulas and Functions with Microsoft® Excel 2007 demystifies worksheet formulas and presents the most useful Excel functions in an accessible, jargon-free way. This book not only takes you through Excel's intermediate and advanced formula-building features, it also tells you why these features are useful to you and shows you how to use them in everyday situations. Throughout the book you'll find no-nonsense, step-by-step tutorials and lots of practical examples aimed directly at business users.

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