Paul McFedries

“Information appears to stew out of me naturally, like the precious ottar of roses out of the otter.” —⁠Mark Twain

PCs for Grownups

Showing older adults how to wrest control of their PC from their kids or grandkids.

Front cover of the book PCs for Grownups

Book Info

  • Publisher: Que Publishing
  • Pages: 372
  • Price: US$24.99
  • Pub. date: March 22, 2013
  • Category: computers
  • Tags: aging, beginner, maintenance, PC, repair

In most households these days, the joke is that it's the kids who run the show, at least as far as the technology goes. They provide the specs for new PCs, suggest peripherals and gadgets to buy, configure the router, perform routine Windows tasks, handle computer maintenance and repairs, and go inside the PC when the hard drive or the memory needs upgrading. And even if the kids are all grown up with families of their own, they probably still perform all these tasks whenever they drop by for a visit; that, or their kids — yes, the grandkids — take over these duties.

That's all well and good, but it leads to an important question: Why are parents and grandparents — why are you — letting the kids and grandkids have all the fun? The basics of the PC — including how to buy a PC, how to use Windows, how to get online, and how to maintain and repair a PC — are accessible to anyone of any age who is curious and motivated to learn. It might seem that tasks such as deciding on a computer, configuring a router, and replacing the hard drive are too advanced for older adults, but nothing could be further from the truth. That's because working with a PC doesn't require any advanced skills or knowledge, so it can be done by any beginner:

  • All the needed parts are readily available online or from big-box retailers or electronics stores.
  • All the tools you need are part of most people's toolkits or can be easily obtained.
  • All the techniques you need are simple and straightforard.

Add to this the important fact that buying, using, maintaining, and repairing one's own PC gives the average grown-up an extra level of independence because he or she no longer has to rely on others or wait until a child or grandchild has time to perform these tasks.

PCs for Grown-Ups aims to be your guide on this independent, do-it-yourself path. With a friendly, knowledgeable tone, this book shows you everything you need to know to understand, use, and maintain a PC.

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