Book Info
- Publisher: Que Publishing
- Pages: 896
- Price: US$39.99
- Pub. date: June 22, 2001
- Category: programming
- Tags: internet, JavaScript
- Example files: Download this book’s example files to your device (ZIP file; 241 KB).
What we've all learned the hard way over the past few years is that you simply can't put together a world-class Web site unless you have some scripting prowess in your site design toolkit. You need to know how to script your way out of the basic problems that afflict most sites, and how to use scripts to go beyond the inherent limitations of HTML. And it isn't enough just to copy the generic scripts that are available on the Web and paste them into your pages. First of all, most of those scripts are very poorly written, and second of all they invariably need some customization to work properly on your site. My goal in this book is to show you how to create your own JavaScript programs that are suited to your site and your content. My aim is to show you that JavaScript isn't hard to learn, and that even the most inveterate non-programmer can learn how to put together scripts that will amaze their friends (and themselves). Related Books