Paul McFedries

“Information appears to stew out of me naturally, like the precious ottar of roses out of the otter.” —⁠Mark Twain

Switching to a Mac Portable Genius

Tips, tricks, and techniques designed to help ex-Windows users learn the Mac ropes.

Front cover of the book Switching to a Mac Portable Genius

Book Info

  • Publisher: Wiley Publishing
  • Pages: 364
  • Price: US$25
  • Pub. date: April 6, 2009
  • Category: computers
  • Tags: Apple, beginner, Mac, OS X, PC, Windows

Welcome to the home page for my book Switching to a Mac Portable Genius. This book is like a mini Genius Bar all wrapped up in an easy to use, easy to access, and eminently portable format. In this book you learn how to get comfortable in your new Mac home by learning the ins and outs of the interface, what programs to use, how to perform the most important everyday tasks, and how to get your precious data onto your Mac. In this book you learn how to avoid your Mac's more annoying character traits and, in those cases where such behavior can't be avoided, you learn how to work around it. In this book you learn how to prevent Mac problems from occurring, and just in case your preventative measures are for naught, you learn how to fix many common problems yourself.

This book is for ex-Windows users who already know their way around a computer, and just want to transfer and apply that know-how to the Mac. It's a book for people who want to get productive, efficient, and creative with their new Mac without have to wade through long and ponderous tutorials. It's a book I had a blast writing, so I think it's a book you'll enjoy reading.

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