Paul McFedries

“Information appears to stew out of me naturally, like the precious ottar of roses out of the otter.” —⁠Mark Twain

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Windows Vista

How to wrestle with Windows Vista and come out with no physical scars (I make no promises about mental ones, however).

Front cover of the book The Complete Idiot's Guide to Windows Vista

Book Info

  • Publisher: Alpha Books
  • Pages: 346
  • Price: US$18.95
  • Pub. date: January 2, 2007
  • Category: operating systems
  • Tags: beginner, Windows, Windows Vista

Dear Frustrated Windows User,

Want to make my blood boil? Just tell me that someday, in the not-too-distant future, my refrigerator will include a computer that alerts me when I'm low on milk. Just tell me that someday my microwave oven will feature a computer that "senses" what's inside and cooks it accordingly. Just tell me that someday my car will include a computer that lets it repair itself by "downloading" some kind of software off the Internet.

The crazy thing is that there are scientists and engineers actually working on these kinds of pie-in-the-sky ideas. Don't these eggheads know that our regular computers are still too hard to use and are still too unreliable? Why can't they work on fixing that?

So want to make my heart sing? Just tell me that someday, in the not-too-distant future, Microsoft will release a version of Windows that's truly simple to use; a version of Windows that doesn't make everyday tasks as easy as herding cats; a version of Windows that doesn't crash if you happen to breathe out through both nostrils at once; a version of Windows that, in other words, doesn't make otherwise-smart people — people who know how much milk they have in the fridge — feel like complete idiots.

Until that day comes, we have to content ourselves with trying to live with the Windows we have. And that's why I wrote The Complete Idiot's Guide to Windows Vista. My aim is to show you that although Windows Vista can be downright ornery at times, anyone with the regular complement of gray matter can soothe the savage Windows beast. No, you're no idiot. In fact, you're smart enough to know that there must be an easier way to get things done. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Windows Vista will show you how.

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