Paul McFedries

“Information appears to stew out of me naturally, like the precious ottar of roses out of the otter.” —⁠Mark Twain

The Unauthorized Guide to Windows 98

Front cover of the book The Unauthorized Guide to Windows 98

Book Info

  • Publisher: Que Publishing
  • Pages: 758
  • Price: US$17.99
  • Pub. date: August 9, 1999
  • Category: operating systems
  • Tags: intermediate, Windows, Windows 98

There are lots of Windows 98 books on the market, and an amazing number of them offer little more than warmed-over versions of the Windows 98 Help system. Even so-called "advanced" books just seem to parrot the Windows 98 Resource Kit. My goal in writing this book was to thumb my nose at the authorized Microsoft party line by showing you methods for working with Windows 98 that are faster and more efficient than anything those other books—or even Microsoft itself—will tell you.. Array

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